Why does mental stress take a toll on your physical wellbeing? Your thoughts, emotions and body are intimately linked.
We look at the top 5 causes of death in Australia and discuss why 4 are considered to be preventable in most instances.
Stair climbing is a fantastic aerobic activity which can have fabulous impacts on our health.
We take an in-depth look at the difference between a strain and sprain.
By building up strong bone cells we can protect ourselves from fractures in old age.
Your guide to understanding sciatic pain.
Setting the record straight on osteopathy and debunking some common misconceptions.
Christmas can be a time of celebration and stress. Here are four strategies for staying healthy through the holidays.
Your health practitioner can identify your condition and recommend a treatment, the rest is on you.
How can you prevent that yucky, stiff feeling that hits you after a couple of hours at your desk?
Warning: This blog involves some neuroscience. You might even change your own brain while reading it. Intrigued? Read on! The topic of neuroplasticity gets me really excited. The science is completely fascinating (even if you’re not a nerd!) and there has even been studies that have shown that simply learning about how pain works may […]
Yoga and Pilates are both “whole body” exercises, but you may have a preference for one or the other.
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